Gridley Adult Services Program exists to provide quality services to all individuals with disabilities in Butte and Sutter county areas. We seek to be the provider of choice to all the people we serve, their supporters and referral agencies.
All individuals are referred to the Gridley Adult Services Program through Far Northern Regional Center and Alta CA Regional Center.
Far Northern Regional Center: 530-895-8633
Alta CA Regional Center: 530-674-3070
Our Staff work hard to assist our clients achieve greater independence and happiness through training in the following areas:
Respite services are provided to eligible Far Northern Regional Center clients.
Our Respite services offer families an opportunity to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities helping them relieve stress and restore energy.
Respite service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for your convenience and can be
utilized on a regular or as needed basis. Service can be provided in your home, or a Respite
worker can accompany your adult or child to an approved activity of your choice.
The hours allowed to your family are determined by Far northern Regional Center based on your
specific needs.
An intake interview with the Respite Coordinator must be completed. Upon completion of
interview and documentation, Respite services can be scheduled.
Licensed Day Program
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